Sentierinsieme 2023...the day after
Scritto da Istrator Admin il 13-09-2023
We now want to tell you how much we appreciated our stay with you all. It was our first « Route de l’amitié » and we really loved it!
We really loved discovering new Servas members, talking endlessly while walking, climbing high, swimming in the river, drinking cool beer, eating lasagna, visiting the Black Virgin, singing and dancing at night etc.. ...
We really appreciate your perfect organisation , our lovely guides, the way they accepted us changing groups knowing it was a real headache for you...Your hosting team has been so discrete while being at the same time so efficient.
We felt a bit frustrated at the end not being able to thank each of you individually.
So again we thank you for this great human adventure we had altogether and we are looking forward to meet you again sometimes somewhere...
All the best
Claire and Vincent (France)
Un grand merci à toute l'équipe organisatrice pour cette magnifique rencontre. Les balades étaient très belles, et nous avions un excellent guide pour les Trecks (Marco, médium minus), ainsi que Giorgio qui a toujours su ramener ses moutons à bon port. Merci aussi à Walter qui a guidé les groupes du week-end. Nous étions bien entourés et avons apprécié les visites et autres découvertes.
L’atmosphère générale était très conviviale et chaleureuse, et j’ai personnellement beaucoup apprécié de revoir d'anciens compagnons de route comme Luigi et Adriano, actifs depuis le début. Mais je vois aussi que la relève est là et c'est une très bonne nouvelle. Longue vie donc à la route de l’amitié.
Encore merci et à bientôt j’espère
Sabine Strasbourg (France)
I am one of the organisers of Sentierinsieme 2023 and, like others, it was my first time participating in this event. I was one of the people coordinating the organisation. It was a considerable, sometimes onerous, commitment. More than what we expected. We had to learn many things, since none of us had ever dealt with organising events of this type.
Sometimes the commitment we felt we had to guarantee seemed too much, and we wondered why we accepted it.
Anyway, luckily it went well. I say 'luckily' because we had good weather 5 out of 6 days. If the weather had been bad, we didn't have any 'plan B' - we just didn't have the time and energy to think of a plan B.
Now I want to talk about the things I liked about this experience, at least the main ones:
- for me walking and singing are 2 of the most beautiful things that life gives us, and they are perhaps the best ways to get in touch with others: at Sentierinsieme you do both
- when walking, it is done in groups of 15 or maximum 20 people: the right size to have a healthy relationship with others and with nature
- the participants on average are available and good-natured people: they willingly adapt to difficulties and things that don't go as one would like
- I was able to get to know and appreciate other Servas members, with whom I collaborated to organise the event
Stefano (Italy)
Sentierinsieme 2023...
- Ogni anno di nuovo
- Dopo Covid ancora più benvenuto!
- Incontrare tanti vecchi amici, farne di nuovi!
- Organizzazione elaborata con cambi di gruppo fino all'ultima ora.
- Come sempre: cantare insieme - le vecchie canzoni, ma anche quelle nuove
- Nuove esperienze, come ad esempio il pernottamento in un ex monastero, la cena slow food all'aperto davanti al monastero
- ottimo menù per pellegrini a 16€ nell'albergo/ostello del Santuario di Graglia (Loreto)
- Intrattenimento in 5 lingue - che riscalda le onde cerebrali
- La migliore acqua di sorgente, ancora più buona di quella di casa in Svizzera: un rinfresco salutare!
- Sole-sole-sole - caldo – bosco-torrente ombra – pioggia - bagnato fradicio (se solo avessi portato con me una copertura antipioggia adeguata!)
- Arrivederci al 2024 nel Berchtesgadener Land (Germania)
Cordiali saluti
Cristoforo (Switzerland)